A review of Mortal Bonds by Michael Sears

Reviewed by P.P.O. Kane

Mortal Bonds
by Michael Sears
Duckworth, 2014
ISBN: 9780715647233

The novel concerns an investigation into some missing dosh, maybe squirrelled away by the head of a banking family just before his untimely death. A lucrative assignment for Jason Stafford, Sears’ just-about-getting-it-together PI protagonist, but one complication is that a ruthless drug cartel is looking for the money too. They believe – not without reason – that it belongs to them.

It is a satisfying thriller with a diverse range of well-drawn characters, not least the Kid, Stafford’s autistic son. There are surprises right up to the end, the prose crisp and effective throughout. You learn something about finance along the way. And altogether it feels fresh and cliche-free.

Also, it is good to be reminded what wonderful stuff roesti is, not least as an accompaniment to Tafelspitz. Though naturally chips have their place too.

About the reviewer: P.P.O. Kane lives and works in Manchester, England. He welcomes responses to his reviews and you can reach him at ludic@europe.com